Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Soft Skills of SharePoint

Oh how we get tired here at Salem from the ever-present industry demand primarily for SharePoint developers and architects whilst not recognising the wide range of other skill requirements. It is as if when deciding to adopt SharePoint that it is all about the technology and little else matters until it is 'up and running'. It is so commonly forgotten that not only is SharePoint a business service provisioning platform but that there are a wide range of other 'softer' skills that are required for SharePoint to meet business objectives and embed effectively.

This article is to act as a reminder that there are a range of soft SharePoint skills that should be acknowledged from the start. It is not supposed to be all encompassing but as so often with our articles, it is to open up discussion and debate within our client and partner community.

Here are some to think about and, better still, to appoint.

SharePoint Strategist

If you don't have a roadmap how do you know where you are going. If the strategy and roadmap isn't business-aligned, how do you know where the business is going? Any successful SharePoint implementation will be accompanied by a business-aligned clear service-driven roadmap based in business prioritisation in harmony with a progressive IT approach.

SharePoint Programme/Project Manager

If you can't plan the detail of a SharePoint environment effectively from the start and manage a realistic budget, resources and timelines you may be heading for the rocks. This person will understand any potential pitfalls and logistical hurdles in advance and plan for them accordingly. Just because they may be Prince 2 certified (etc) won't necessarily help so use a SharePoint project expert.

SharePoint Business Analyst

Translating business ambitions, critical requirements and priorities isn't just a process, it can be an art form. An effective SharePoint business analyst will be capable of translating almost any abstract business requirement into a plausible basic technological approach. The most successful SharePoint business analysts we know and use are also SharePoint administrators and know what SharePoint is capable of.

Awareness Campaign Manager

Without an early business awareness campaign, how can business users possibly understand the merits of SharePoint and get excited about the services to come? An early awareness campaign is essential in most cases and therefore a business or technology owner who is a great presenter and who speaks the business language is critical. This role includes a lot of creative thinking and a dynamic, personable character.

Communication Owner

Once the initial awareness campaign ends there is certainly a requirement in many instances for a business-focused communication owner to progess positive SharePoint messages to the business communities regularly and consistently. This often comes from the internal corporate communications department. A range of multi-media techniques may be required.

Corporate Photographer

In the UK an individual owns their own image rights. This means that a company cannot force an employee to publish a specific photo of themselves, particularly in terms of a SharePoint user profile photo. The argument that an employee has signed a contract or that they have a security card with a photo doesn't wash when attempting to use that photo elsewhere without permission. Therefore it is worth considering a decent amateur photographer or a professional to take a range of images of each employee and then allowing the employee to choose one to place on their user profile.


The typically undervalued helpdesk staff are so easily forgotten here but they are the first line to user support and will need to be trained and understand SharePoint themselves to the be able to send out the right messages and assistance.

Information Analyst/Architect/Governance

Without an effective information architecture you may well have chaos. Where does information get stored, when and why and for how long. How is information classified, how is it tagged, how will people find it and how should they look. How is information segmented and how is it easily navigated to ? These are all questions that require ongoing planning, design, strategy and governance. The Salem Process (tm) provides not only a clear roadmap but a core information architecture to get things established quickly in any organisation.

IT Governance Board/Owner

Governance is key to everythiong that follows. What are the IT rules of engagement that facilitate but allow clear IT policies regarding SharePoint to be owned, understood, communicated and progressed? Do not underestimate the amount of input and thinking that may be required.

IT Change Management Board/Owner

As per another Salem article, change management that is not aligned with SharePoint dynamic and devolved capabilities may quickly stall its adoption and growth. It is essential to bing change management on board from the begining and gain agreement as to how SharePoint and the change process work most effectively and then amend existing processes and policies.

Business Governance Board/Owner

What are the rules of engagement for the business and when should SharePoint be used and in what ways. If the business community is unclear then adoption may stall. Clarity is key so establish this board early and provide a relevant set of governance questions to get things moving.

Business Adoption Owner

Adoption is far more than training as we stated in an earlier Salem article. A business owner who can manage and own the adoption process may prove critical. What are the most effective methods of gaining business buy-in and understanding and then acceptance of the new business services.

Training Strategist and Trainers

There are a huge variery of training methods for SharePoint and they can have different degrees of success dependent on the culture and environments within an organisation. Classroom training may work for 200 staff but not for 30,000 staff across 5 continents. Training also requires an effective budget. Salem Consulting has its own SharePoint Adoption and Training Methodology as well as elite Salem training partners providing adoption strategy and training deliverables for SharePoint.


Once a business service is rolled out, people are required to hand-hold and walk the floors offering direct and immediate business-user support for a short time to ensure a quick return to productive working. Questions, answers and explanations are the norm. This role encompasses some of the most important soft skills. Anyone stating that the software should be made as easy as possible to use so that training is not required is fooling themselves and performing a disservice to the business. Any worker has the legal right to be trained to perform their role effectively, and that includes software.

Help Content Writers/Authors

This is not a technical role but someone will need to write the content and quick start guides for the business user to reference to perform the business-focused tasks that SharePoint will facilitate. Do not underestimate the time this will take, Salem Consulting offers base and bespoke help content through its Salem Training partner to assist in speedy adoption.

Graphic Designer

Many SharePoint solution partners do not have big, if any, in-house graphic design capabilities. Many partners farm out this task to suitable design agencies at a cost. Therefore for user interface design and further graphic design tasks, who will be performing this role on an ongoing basis ?

Business Site Administrators

Where you have elected to devolve site collection or site administration to business divisions, who are they, how wuill you select them and what will their role entail? How effective will these people be in coping with the extra demands that have been placed upon them. Furthermore who will train and support them?

Business Power Users/Champions

Early adopters are a great method to gain business champiuons who will spread the good news and positive messages about SharePoint. These people need to be business-focused and represent their business units at a high enough level to be listened to. Effective selection will underpin an effective SharePoint strategy and ongoing service delivery as they will champion the SharePoint cause.

Business Executive Sponsor

If the business leaders have not bought into SharePoint early enough you may have a tough time later convincing them of its merits when their business divisions are busy with business as usual activities. It is absolutely essential to have an executive business sponsor from the start who can champion the merits of SharePoint all the way up to the boardroom and provide the required backing, budget and influence to ensure success and uniform adoption.

SharePoint Business Programme Board

Every SharePoint implementation should be treated as a programme of related activities and projects in our view. The programme and projects need business influence, direction, approval, buy-in and decisions. Without a business board you will be ruderless when key decisions need to be made. The board needs a senior stakeholder who is able to approve budgetary decisions as well as approve governance and policy.

Editorial Feature Writers

It is fine to create a new intranet using SharePoint, and create new dynamic publishing services but who is going to prepare, gather aand write the content in advance? This is certainly true of new internal communications activities with a SharePoint driven news centre but extends far futher. Typically all aspects of new SharePoint business services will require new content written and ready for the go live date and beyond. Remember that these people will need to be trained and supported.

Content Managers

SharePoint business services require people to provide fresh and up to date content. Whilst a central news or home page environment may be managed by a central editorial team, other areas such as business unit areas within an intranet will require new landing pages, new thinking and fresh material and therefore expect a range of content manager material to be required, now and in the future. Remember that these people will need to be trained and supported.

Quality Assurance - Editorial

Someone somewhere within the organisation will need to approve new content prior to publication and therefore there may be a requirement for an approval process or else an editorial web manager to justify content, approve it and ensure it is written well enough to be published. They may also define editorial standards, writing and style guides and templates.

Style and Brand Owner

For larger organisations, style and brand is very important and carefully designed and approved, particualry in retail environments but these days can apply to the majority of organisations. For intranets and information publication there may well be a requirement for a business stakeholder to be involved in ensuring that brand and style guidelines are not only applied correctly to the user interface and page look and feel but also to a wide range of materials to be published within the SharePoint environment. This is also certainly true of SharePoint internet sites.  

Search Best Bets Owner

There will be a requirement to translate business phrases and keywords into best bets for early and effective search results. Don't ignore this as it is managed through central administration but may require an owner to ensure that best bets are handled effectively for a wide range of business stakeholders.

Does Change Management Stall SharePoint Progression

Time and time again the Salem strategists encounter a particular issue with client IT departments which is the overly-cautious approach to changes within the SharePoint environment. Clearly solid farm configuration and administration is essential, and fundamental changes to infrastructure and configuration 'on the fly' with little forethought are to be avoided at all cost. Hence change management protects the IT department and it's employees.

However, SharePoint, when designed, scaled and built properly is designed as a dynamic and agile platform for a wide range of business service opportunities hour-by-hour, day by day. Thus it is not a question of whether there are IT change management processes, but how they are used within the realm of SharePoint service delivery.

For SharePoint to be successful in most business scenarios, the ability of a business user to generate a temporary workspace or team site, for example, with no IT involvement is a very liberating and powerful experience, and one that sells SharePoint across the diverse business communities quickly. On the other hand, routing a business user through a long-winded process of justification for what may be only a temporary requirement is hugely frustrating and challenging and it won't take long for the business users to use something else.

An IT department is often an orderly, considered, diligent and deliberately process-driven environment. However few business users can really come to terms with why they can upgrade their desktop at home in less than 60 minutes but it takes an IT division 6 months or more to achieve the same result. Of course we know why but it is important for an IT department to be seen as a dynamic facilitator meeting business objectives rather than as the hurdle that prevents the business from adapting and succeeding in a challenging market.

SharePoint, when approached correctly is one of an IT department's greatest allies. Simply because devolved solution provision to the business community makes business users feel far more in control and also because IT is seen as the facilitator. Yet this is often not the case.

There are a couple of important reasons we regularly encounter. The first is that the IT department is treating SharePoint as if it is like all the other platforms and applies the same change control processes when they are in fact inappropriate to the nature of the platform. The second is that change control is used to deliberately control a slow release of services due to the fact that the IT department is worried about the in-house skill levels and also being found out as not being fully comfortable with devolution of service.  Ownership is power !

The primary issue is one of embedded IT culture where we encounter IT teams stating that they have always worked this way and they always intend to, and that business administration of business services would quickly cause technical administration and management problems. This isn't entirely true and where each site collection has been properly designed and a quota applied then business devolution can indeed occur.

The advice that Salem offers is that to succeed with SharePoint it is essential from the outset that any IT department takes a completely fresh approach to SharePoint and how it will be used by the business community and which services can be exempt from change control and passed over as agile user-driven services. Once these services are freed from IT change management then the business users can be better informed and trained to create services as required and as their needs dictate. It is always interesting to watch the reaction to a very formal and heavily controlled environment when we show how Office and Outlook can provision user-driven temporary workspaces without any IT request.  Similarly, should a business user customise their desktop icons, or aspects of Excel or Word, does anyone care, not usually. Therefore why should an IT department be overly concerned about the provisioning of a team site and what it is being used for ? 

For those IT departments who rigidly apply entrenched change management processes to SharePoint, they are missing one of the most intrinsic and fundamental aspects of the platform which is the fast and agile ability to create something new and useful in seconds without a great amount of technical know-how. Put that back into the hands of a technologist and one has just stepped back a decade - it's really that simple.

This article was published without a change request.

The Commoditization of SharePoint Matters

When I was young, I started fishing in some local lakes and I used to try and make my own floats out of balsa wood. At first they were useless but after a while I got a little better and had a small box that I kept them in. However making floats was time-consuming, hit and miss, and sometimes an abject failure - they perhaps saved me a little money but they didn't help me achieve my goal of catching more fish. Eventually I simply bought new floats from a shop and got on with the task of catching fish.

For the last decade or so, an entire global industry has matured in developing bespoke solutions and custom application development for SharePoint. Allegedly today the global services industry for SharePoint accounts for approximately $6 billion in partner revenue. To a degree this demonstrates exactly how far the global SharePoint market has grown. One only has to look at the relentless recruitment of 'SharePoint developers' to understand how much custom application work is being undertaken.

So let's stop and ask why. The vast range of services of SharePoint out-of-the-box is unparalleled and if any company simply mastered the basic features, services and functions (and was made aware of them in business scenarios) then they would already have a great and positive deal on their hands. All too quickly however, many partners are quick to sell custom application development, custom user interfaces and custom web parts - why well because that is what the client thinks they want (or has been told that is what is required) and often because SharePoint can indeed facilitate that approach.

The issue however is in terms of business buy-in and user adoption. For many corporations, the early quick wins are fundamental to bedding in SharePoint into business life. An effective user profile and profile search is often of far greater value early in the cycle than a custom procurement system, or a bepoke developed application.

Time is one of the greatest factors. The development cycle of any custom application is longer than a client realises. Today with so many corporate IT environments being led by non-IT-literate teams (often finance-background people) then they themselves have little true understanding of a code-development lifecycle. Indeed we remember a particular IT manager who stated that any code released with bugs is unacceptable! The iterative development and bug-fix cycle is often lost on IT management teams who expect solutions to be delivered bug-free and perfectly, at the lowest cost and first time round. This creates a problem in terms of delivery timescale expectation-management.

More to the point, an early engagement with a SharePoint business client from a development angle entrenches the early view that everything to be delivered in SharePoint is a project, is time consuming, is relatively expensive, requires a maintenance contract, and requires an iterative and frustrating period of bug fixing with a partner or contractor team. None of which needs to be true. And then the question arises as to how a custom application will be developed further or supported in-house, if that is the strategy. It always amazes us at Salem why so many companies embarking on a SharePoint project begin by trying to recruit a SharePoint developer - what are these people developing, and why so early?! We know for sure that some service companies willingly sell SharePoint as a development platform on purpose as it will provide a cash cow for years to come.

Here at Salem we fully understand and appreciate the benefits of customisation. Certainly custom user interfaces that match brand and style guidelines can assist in acceptace and adoption by the business users. However customer user interfaces and custom application development are rather different topics. In all circumstances, however, user interface design should be overlayed on top of the engineered solution, not the other way round. Trying to re-engineer SharePoint technology to meet a visual style is a strategy to spend lots of budget unnecessarily - the form over function dilemma.

Back to the subject in hand. If SharePoint is going to grow and embed in a wide range of organisations then the commoditisation of SharePoint is now essential. What do we mean by this?   There are a wide range of services, requirements and business solutions that are common to many (if not most) organisations which should exist as add in services. To a degree we see this being catered for by a few well known web part companies. But there is simply not enough of this happening. Why pay for a partner to develop a contract management system when one can be slotted in that has already been developed. Why develop a clock when a clock already exists? Why develop a news centre when one is already written. Well from a solution delivery company perspective, it increases revenue to develop custom applications.

Imagine then if one can use SharePoint out-of-the-box with a range of add-in business solutions already pre-built. What this means is that the initial adoption cycle is far faster for the end client, business buy-in is enhanced as it demonstrates how quickly business solutions can be achieved. It means that SharePoint is far more likely to be adopted and then entrenched early which in turn allows client budget to be focused on more pressing matters or more challenging services that are unique to that organisation.

Another example is where an intranet is designed from scratch: why we ask? So many organisations across so many business verticals share the same ambitions that the only thing that truly changes is the user interface. The business services being requested are often far too similar to require a greenfield approach every time. Does this mean therefore that there is a requirement for a far faster agile approach to early SharePoint business service release, and in our opinion the answer is yes.

To set the scene to any client, it is extremely important to show how quickly intial valuable business services can be delivered and to progress quickly into a longer SharePoint programme in terms of value proposition. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a custom application as a starting point is not necessarily going to ingratiate the platform into the busienss community. Therefore early prioritization is intrinsic to success.

It is time for the SharePoint partner community to embrace how to deliver effective business soltions fast, early into the lifecycle using a standard range of services. It is certainly time for development companies to commence creating business solutions so that they can be packaged, sold and deployed again and again to a wider range of clients without the need for full development cycle every time. It is time that clients were given a quick sense of achievement with SharePoint rather than frustrating delays and large budgets and UAT iterations that appear to last a lifetime.

For those that argue that every customer is different, well when you have seen as many clients as we have, the one thing that strikes us more than anything else, is actually how similar business requirements are across a wide and diverse range of business verticals. Are clients worried that their competitors are using the same desktop and same version of Word or Excel - of course not. SharePoint is a superb development platform, but develop when necessary, customise when required, but ensure first that in the early months of SharePoint release, there are a wide range of quick-wins that excite the client audiences and demonstrate real value, fast.

I caught some of the best fish ever recently, and it wasn't using a custom-made float.

The Ubiquitous and Dubious Nature of 'Like'

Do you remember (thanks Gabriella) the old movies about Gladiators and the roaring crowd with their thumbs up or down to decide whether people live or die ? Well we are interested and somewhat concerned by the ever more ubiquitous presence of the Like icon across the internet. It now appears almost everywhere.

Someone posts on a Facebook wall, or a Linkedin news feed, YouTube videos or posts a tweet on Twitter (favourite) and directly underneath is a thumbs up symbol. What is it actually there to achieve we ask ? In it's simplest form it is a quick symbolic way of representing agreement - yes we share the same view. But what it doesn't say is why we like it. Worse, is that we often come across the second or subsidiary reverse option which is to 'unlike' (sic) and yet not to 'dislike'. Perhaps disliking something is just one step too far for most and positivity is the only way forward. Yet there are many times when we disagree with a post and don't like what is being said and the only way we can get this across is to comment. Therefore you can say yes you agree with no comeback but if you disagree, you will need to state why.

In some ways it is a little like the ratings system that was so fashionable a while back and which now pervades many SharePoint solutions. A rating system does not mean something is good in general, it means that it was valuable to me personally if I rated it - it is valuable to me. Think of Amazon and the user feedback on an item. 5 gold stars doesn't mean it is great, it means it is great for the person who rated it. Do you take subjective recommendations on a movie by a friend and then don't go and see it ? No, you go and see it and make your own mind up if you have any sense. In other words, what counts to you, is not what counts to someone else. That is what makes the world diverse and interesting.

Therefore the thumbs up icon, whilst steadily invading every aspect of the internet, may say that someone likes what is being said, it is entirely subjective and in itself is not necessarily a general endorsement of value to others. Peer pressure may indicate that others should agree too and this is where a problem can occur. Look at YouTube and you will see both a thumbs up and a thumbs down icon. When someone dislikes a video they don't necessarily need to explain why but for those who rated the video subject matter highly they then tend to abuse those who disliked what others liked. It is for this reason therefore that a thumbs up is problematic and misleading in too many scenarios.

A good friend of mine asked me why I gave a thumbs up to a few of my own Facebook posts and I argued that it was because I found the thing I posted as humorous or of value to me but she argued that liking your own entries is the worst thing one can do as it is egocentric. An interesting debate topic for sure and I can see how she could be interpreted as right but then again I couldn't dislike her comment as there was no icon.

One may argue that for sheer balance a dislike icon should always accompany a like icon but without added commentary it really tells us nothing except peer agreement and peer agreement without explanation is all too similar to sheep mentality where those of a weaker disposition may be influenced too easily and simply agree with the masses for acceptance sake. This is therefore the antithesis of user-centricity, personal value systems and good solid debate.

Before you click on the like icon next time ask yourself what it is to achieve and how you would equally show your dislike of something. We could add a like icon to our blogs, but then again, you may not agree with our sentiments: and that is perfectly fine with us - we like that. 

When Social Networking isn't Social Networking

A previous Salem article featured thoughts on the plethora of consulting companies jumping on the social networking bandwagon. This article is more specifically focused on social networking within organisations and typically when the topic crops up regarding SharePoint implementations.

Let us start by trying to define what we mean by social networking in this context. Well, social typically means personal, in other words, nothing to do with performing the business of the day. Every company has social networks, visits to the bar on a Friday after work for gossip, office romances, office divorces, scandals, the social aspects of office politics, gossip about anything and everything. It doesn't matter how much a company tries to keep chatter under control, it simply disappears underground, but it remains. We cannot count the amount of times that a company will say they wish to be seen as a collaborative organisation but would not consider fabulous services such as Microsoft Lync because people 'will chat and waste time too much'. Believe us, people will talk no matter what, even over the water cooler and at break times, in the canteen, in the toilets, in the bar, on the phone, indeed anywhere. So why not harness real time collaboration and conversation as part of the intrinsic culture of the organisation rather than trying to repel it?

Okay so we also hear CEO's occasionally saying they would like to have their company have a 'Facebook style culture'. Well what they mean is real time conversation, collaboration and sharing, what they don't mean is social networking in the social way we have just defined it. And even if they do mean that they will not be able to cope with the HR governance and policy issues that follow when Dave from Accounts publishes the fact that he has just split up from Sue in Sales and is now seeing Fiona in Finance. Only once have we encountered a large organisation that has embraced social networking at the core of its collaborative ethos and this was presented by way of an intranet home page dedicated to an open discussion board where just about anything and everything could, and was, discussed. The bottom line for most larger organisations is that they will not achieve a Facebook culture in the office as corporations are risk-averse.

The issue with the concept of social networking within business environments is that, unlike personal social networks, there is nothing in it for the end user. Why would a business user start to publish personal and private details about themselves unless they were trying to make friends or were a newcomer to a company. They have already established their own social network in the office and its relativel;y low risk. As most people accept, knowledge is power, and the longer someone has been in post, the more they entrench themselves via what they know and what they have learned. Sharing personal thoughts and social aspects of themselves in a  corporate environment not only worries HR deeply, but also exposes the end user to a degree of professional risk. Expose the wrong information, say the wrong thing and that elusive promotion may go straight out of the window. Comment in an inappropriate way and one may be disciplined. Say what is on one's mind and one may find ones self being shown the door.

If this is true, then why are there so many consulting companies using the term 'social networking' to corporations? Well as per our other article, there is a degree of trendy bandwagon jumping going on, and using the latest terms to an older generation of business leaders makes them think they are missing out on something important and assisting in generating consulting revenue.

The reality is that we are not dealing with social networking within organisations (save for the ambitiously-thinking minority), what we are really dealing with are social networking techniques applied for business scenarios, which is somewhat different. Techniques and technologies such as user-centric My Sites, subscription-based news feeds, RSS subscriptions, Office Talk business 'tweeting', status updates, discussion forums, instant messaging, presence awareness, ratings and comments are all part of the technology set that has become fashionable and effective in social networks that translates perfectly to business environments. But rarely is there anything social about it in truth.

Therefore by applying the techniques and psychology from social networks we can indeed look at how effective knowledge and skill-based networks can be employed by organisations that which to be progressively more interactive, open, collaborative and how business adoption and buy-in can be obtained and maintained.

However for the majority, the term social networking without any form of clarification, in our view, represents a populist phrase that has no depth or substance or value for a business environment, and is currently particularly abused within the consulting industry. Dave may still be dating Fiona in Finance, but frankly, it's none of our business.

Social Networking - Or Dad Dancing ?

Have you ever been embarassed by your father dancing like an ill-coordinated jellyfish at a wedding to some 70's or 80's 'classic' ? Have you ever been mortified when your mum decides to dress as a 22 year old ? We sure do, and worse still, we get the same feeling when 'social networking' is mentioned increasingly in corporate land. Now, one thing is for sure, we cannot get away for the dramatic impact (which is vastly understood as yet) of social networking on our culture as it is becoming all pervasive.

However when we see the topic of social networking in corporate spheres it is often by way of a desperate desire to be seen as 'current', 'with it', 'down with the kids', and more worryingly, a desire to make money out of it for corporate means that has not been thought through properly. Trendiness in management consulting is something that is very aligned with dad dancing because it is often via an older generation out of step with a younger generation but eager to please and be accepted as thought-leaders when it isn't true. If there is money to be made a the expense of a younger generation, you can be absolutely certain someone will try it.

A classic example is the often-seen desire for a corporation to include a clock on the home page of a SharePoint intranet as it is perceived as 'useful'. One should perhaps take note that younger generations rarely wear a watch due to the fact that every gadget and mobile device tells the correct time, all the time. In another similar vein, California school children were asked why they wouldn't use the school email system, with the overwhelming response that 'email is for old people'. Yet your parent's (or boss's) mastery of writing an email is somewhat viewed as a forward step!

Why then are we witnessing so many management consulting firms, and recruitment organisations jumping on the social networking bandwagon. Well, first of all it makes these companies appear as 'current', secondly it allows them to feel they are not being left behind in an ever-changing technological age, and thirdly, someone can smell money. I remember so well in the 1970's when a thousand companies were set up to cater for the skateboard craze across the globe, and almost all of them had vanished as we hit 1980 - they came to learn the jargon, they had the money to be seen as influencers, they made their cash and then made a quick exit. Will the same happen again with social networking in corporate land - very possibly.

Okay so what do we think is really going on ? Well when we see so many untrendy, traditional corporate firms getting excited about social networking what they mean is that there is a way of making money through accessing a large pool of resources that have, to date, not been traditionally accessible to them (or more usually, avoided them). Let's take recruitment as an example. Recruiters traditionally build a database of people with skills and a CV and then match them by one means or another to job vacancies. It has been the way for decades. Rather like dating agencies really. Suddenly we see an influx of discussions regarding recruitment using social networking - in other words, when we have a lack of resources is there a way to reach and attract those we may not have found otherwise. Have you stopped to consider that these people don't want to be found?

I remember reading a website in the USA once regarding the ability to trace and locate individuals. The website asked the simple question, why not just email them or call them -  and ask yourself the question, if you have to trace someone, should you really be trying to contact them at all. In simple terms, people like to manage, organise and control who they are in touch with, who they contact and specifically who they do not wish to be contacted by. Spam calls to home phones and spam email to our inboxes have been a problem for over a decade and are now on the wain. So why would anyone think it is a good idea to try and use social networking environments to, in effect, spam people who are most probably not interested in your services ?

One only has to ask an audience whether they click on pay per click search results to find that many people avoid these ads because they don't like being sold to. No one likes walking into a store to have a look around only to be pounced upon by three shopfloor assistants with targets to achieve. Do you read the junkmail pushed through your letterbox, no us neither.

So why is there an obsession in corporate land with social networking? Well because there are hundreds of millions of people who are inter-related or connected to eachother for social reasons - but maybe, just maybe you can sell them something, or recruit them, but at least make money out of them, or worse still, talk about the topic of social networking in general and charge for it. Social networks are 'socially-driven' whether it be family, love, likes, shared hobbies or egotistical requirements to be 'seen as popular'. People are connected for private and personal reasons. Do you have 1000 Facebook friends ? But whatever the reason these internet communities are not called 'business networks' for a very good reason. Social means 'not work'.

Let us relate it to SharePoint. SharePoint is a relatively small community of talent which is growing but which is still less than the number of roles available. Each recruitment firm wants to get as many SharePoint people on their books as possible (often without any vetting) so that they can place them for a fee. That's fine as that is how the model works. The issue is that recruitment is a very tough and cut-throat business and any recruitment firm wants to be the one who finds the person and places them, thus sustaining a business relationship with the corporate client (they don't care about the person being place in general). So what happens when the resource pool becomes very limited? Well the recruiters start to think of other ways of attracting talent so that they can place them elsewhere. Personally I have had two agents from the same company, one who placed me and the other trying to lure me away from that role to a different firm purely for commission ! When one has talents in short supply, one will be very careful who one chooses to work with - period.

So social networking. Yes a huge talent pool accessible in a way that was never possible before Well maybe not actually. People are now hiding their Facebook profiles, making themselves non-searchable, hiding their connections and limiting access to personal information. Why, because people are quickly discovering that they are not as in control of who can contact them as they may desire. The social networking communities have matured enough to know what they like and what they do not. Then late in the day the men in the black suits arrive banding around the term 'social networking' as if they had just discovered the largest gold mine in the world, at least five years too late.

Social networking is not new. Remember the communities on Compuserve in the mid to late 1990's and how popular they were? We all have social networks beyond the internet in our daily lives, the people who know, the people we share a beer or dinner with, the people we hook up with for social events. We have our social network - we sms them and call them up. Interestingly half of my friends don't even use an internet social network but I still talk to them and see them regularly, if not more regularly than internet 'friends'.

So why now? Well because Facebook and similar social networks are becoming entrenched in our daily lives as a means of communication, real time social communication. Linkedin is a business networking service that is increasingly becoming bastardized from its excellent origins. Looking at the Linkedin news feeds today it is increasingly resembling boys in a sales office, sharing banter and finding humour in each other's comments. That's okay but its detracting from the value of Linkedin and making it feel like a  club one should either join or avoid. Do I share my business connections, do I heck for the simple reason is that it is my private business networking build over years of professional discussions and business connections that I am not going to share with any lazy recruiter out there.

Therefore, the last 18 months has seen huge amounts of corporate speak, business seminars and recruiter strategies regarding social networking - I don't remember seeing these people in Compuserve in 1996. I remember the days when a recruiter would buy me a pint or lunch and form a valuable business relationship - not any more. These days everything appears to be performed on the cheap and I cannot remember a time when I last met a recruiter face to face. One should remember that people are far from stupid and know which firms are good, which are bad to work for on reputation, how much their value is in the marketplace and where they would like to go next. Trying to enter and sell within a social networking space won't help you, if the product you are selling isn't popular.

So the next time you see a thread or advertisment in corporate land regarding social networking as yourself a simple question. Does this company actually fully understand the topic of social networking and has a long history in the subject - because if not, you may simply be witnessing your dad at a wedding trying to get to grips with some dodgy dance moves to Lady Gaga. Best avoided.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

SharePoint Internet Websites - The Perfect Platform

Here at Salem Consulting we are often asked whether SharePoint is a good platform for publishing internet websites and the answer is certainly yes. To demonstrate this effectively take a look at this excellent website for inspiration:

However, it isn't SharePoint that is the issue, but more to do with badly thought-through corporate websites in general. What are they there to achieve, who are the audiences, are the sites effective and have they been optimised for search engines (yes we are skilled in SEO strategy at Salem too) ? We have seen far too many badly thought-through internet facing sites (on a wide range of platforms) that simply achieve nothing and act as poor brochureware. If a company is going to design a new internet website, first ensure that the correct analysis takes place so that the website achieves the goals set from the start.

It is true that for ecommerce and webshops, SharePoint is not as yet ideally suited as things stand. However do take into account that it will only be a matter of time before we find Biztalk modules servicing these requirements, in our opinion.

If you are wanting to leverage your SharePoint assets, then incorporate your websites into your SharePoint strategy, as SharePoint is a fantastic platform to facilitate. If it's good enough for Ferrari, it is good enough for us !

The Key Skill Roles of SharePoint

This article is based on one we wrote and published a couple of years ago but has been reconsitituted and updated. We know that the original article was received well as it was used by 3rd parties when presenting at seminars (we have spies everywhere ;) ). We are publishing it again for those who didn't see the original SharePoint article.

Essentially, when looking at job boards and talking with generalist recruiters, three roles crop up time and time again, architect, developer and administrator. If one didn't know better, one would thing that encompassed all the core skills of SharePoint but in fact it is extremely misleading and doesn't come close to explaining the various skills that one may encounter or require when engaging with SharePoint. This is why it is essential to be talking to a specialist SharePoint recruitment organisation such as Campania Consulting (

Consider the following list of plausible SharePoint roles:

SharePoint Strategist
Currently not a term used in the market for recruitment though there are one or two partners now understanding that this role should/could exist. It is what we do here at Salem and incorporates enterprise business consulting for SharePoint with detailed roadmaps, approach, alignment with business strategy and IT strategy and conceptual business solutions that would use SharePoint and related Microsoft technologies. 

SharePoint Practice Lead

Primarily for partners though a large corporate may be looking for a similar role. Sometimes known as an SME or subject matter expert. Combines a range of technical, consulting and strategic skills and will own and lead the SharePoint practice for a partner firm. Generally a thought leader, involved in public facing blogs, literature, author of industry materials. These people will currently be primarily deeply technical SharePoint specialists but without in-depth business consulting skills, although preferable for this role. Would expect to have excelllent presenting skills. In the UK possibly no more than 30 to 40 people would fulfill all requirements presently.

SharePoint Solutions Architect

One of the most common titles for a top level SP role. Wide range of technical skills but does not need to be deeply technical or have developer skills (though often asked for by corner-cutting companies who wish to find a one-man-band). Full and wide understanding of all SharePoint technical services who can translate a business strategy or business solution request into a logical technical solution using SharePoint and related technologies. Not always a doer, but will be expected to present, consult and have a deep enough technical knolwedge to lead thhe technical team in delivering a custom SharePoint solution. This role often consults with business stakeholders, will manage QA and hold responsibility for the overall solution release.

SharePoint Technical Architect (senior)

Sitting alongside or just under the Solutions Architect is the person who has the deepest overall technical understanding of the SharePoint platform, some development skills but not a deeply technical developer. Will manage the actual solution design, creation and deployment and configuration. Often in charge of the documentation for clients if working for a partner and will also have a great deal of say in overall infrastructure and farm design and provisioning.
This person is a doer and will be very hands and will lead the technical team through design and delivery, understanding every element involved. 

SharePoint Architect

The jobbing technical SharePoint enginner with a wide range of technical and associated skills. Will not consult with the business usually and will be IT based. Does not have to have presentation skills and will be primarily focused on the design, build, and configuration of the SharePoint platform and solution. Will work alongside developers and may have deeper developer skills but may be a true developer themselves. Will have a deep technical understanding of the sharepoint landscape but may not be a specialist in all areas and will add them to their skill portfolio over time. Will certainly have platform design skills and a huge amount of configuration skills. Be careful with these people as we'd expect to see qualifying credentials to prove they are an architect and not an administrator. 

SharePoint Infrastructure Architect

You will not see this title too often as yet but is a focused skillset for enterprise deployments who knows exactly how to design and build multi farm enterprise deployments, often covering multiple continents. Will be well versed in federated search and SSP provisioning across multiple farms. This person will be building enterprise architectures in SharePoint based on the output from either the strategist or solution architect. May be asked to combine skills with AD and other infrastructure skillsets. Will understand virtualisation (VMWare or Microsoft Hyper-V) as well as physical design and have SQL skills to an extent. Will also know associated administration (eg Axceler), backup (eg AvePoint), archive (eg Symantec or Zantaz) and other toolsets and can advise accordingly. This is a very technical platform design role which may be viewed as specialist. There are so few people outside the partners who can do this well that FTE salaries will vary widely. These skills may also be found as part of a Senior Technical Architect or Solutions Architect role in the right person with acquired history and skills.

SharePoint Search Architect

With the advent of FAST there is certainly a requirement for FAST search engine skills in terms of design, configuration and deployment. Will also combine skills in standard SharePoint search and Entertpise SharePoint search services. Plausible to find these skills in senior architect roles but is becoming more highly specialist and may link to searching other respositories such as SAP etc. Requires a full understanding of taxonomies, folksonomies, tagging, content types, user search experience, best bets, keywords, multi farm federated search and search design and customisation. You will rarely if ever see this role advertised as titled but this is thought leadership so we should be advising as such. Large globals may recognise this role if advised correctly. There is a link between this role and an information architect to a small degree.

SharePoint Information Architect

More often a general information architect usually with a variety of backgrounds but we would strongly advise any client to find one with detailed sharepoint understanding. Knows how to build logical information frameworks for a wide range of sectors and industries down to business units and departments. Good ones will also know how to handle multi languages information architectures. Understands and can advise on classification, taxonomies, folksonomies and how information should be split and provisioned within SharePoint. May/should also have expertise in document mangement, version control techniques, data returntion polices, publication and archiving practices. Often an ex librarian and sometimes guilty of over complicating a solution (taxonomy). May also have expertise in internal communication techniques and compliancy and leghislation requirements. Specialist and good ones are hard to find. 

SharePoint Farm Administrator

The person who day to day manages the servers that run sharepoint, manages, installs and configures the operating system, sharepoint software, patches, service packs, configures the back end, links to content databases, and may work with other farm admin tools like Axceler. may well have SQL DBA skills also. Generally an FTE role that is often combined with the front end administrator role below or other server infrastructure environments (maybe Exchange, Lync, OCS etc etc). Will configure and manage virtualisation, performance, run reports, upkeep the core services and diagnose and troubleshoot when things go wrong. With multiple farm deployments for a global company there may be a local farm adminsitrator in each location. We've most often seen this role combined with people who are also managing other infrastructure such as AD but for larger environments may be deemed a full time role. This role may also be combined with other roles in SME companies.

SharePoint Administrator

The front facing support and configuration role day to day that should exit in all SharePoint environments. For global companies there may be a lead administrator and then local administrators. This role manages and provides front-end services such as creation of site collections, quotas, some 2nd and 3rd level support, security, site administration, template creation and management, some solution creation when part of business as usual activities. Will also manage change control tasks, documentation and even advise business customers day to day onsite. The most important customer facing role of all the roles on an ongoing basis and one of the most common roles requested. 

SharePoint Developer

The most misunderstood of all the SharePoint roles and one requested most often by end clients who think SharePoint is purely a development platform. A range of developer skills including .NET, C#, C++, Jquery and a wide range of other languages. Hoqwever sharepoint development is rather different from pure .Net development even though SharePoint is built on .NET. On other words the .Net developer needs to know how to specifically develop for SharePoint and must know how to develop custom webparts. Strategically a developer should not be required in the early stages of SharePoint provisioning but many companies think differently and will use developers from the start which is why they customise too early and then fail as they cannot support what they have created. Basically these guys code services in SharePoint that do not exist out of the box. However beware, development requirements are often nothing more than 'custom configuration' which is a lesser skillset than a true developer.

Infopath and Workflow Designer/Administrator

Using Microsoft Designer and Microsoft Infopath, a company can create electronic forms and then write workflows. these are custom, bespoke and will need to be backed up with good BPM business analysis to create the required business solutions. To a degree this is a customer facing role where there is no intervening business analyst. The workflows will need to be amended, recoded and supported periodically and this role could be for the duration of a project or an ongoing role. Either way as companies increase the number of workflows, so this role can take up more and more time. In the beginning it may be a role shared with other tasks and later can become dedicated. Here we are not suggesting that the skills involve other workflow products such as K2, Global 360 or Biztalk or even Metastorm but this may happen as the company advances its workflow strategy. See below for another workflow role. 

SharePoint User Interface Designer

Basically a graphic designer for SharePoint who can create the user interface designs and may work with a user adoption expert as well as the business stakeholders in interpreting brand and style guidelines. Partners  want Ui people and can't get them as the partners aren't attractive as they are not design agencies. In an ideal world this person can code html, silverlight etc and can actually create the designs and implement them with the technical architect and developers. However some Ui designers are nothing more than digital graphic artists so it depends what is being asked for. 

SharePoint Business Analyst

Ordinary Project managers often become BAs and ordinary BAs often become project managers, and many swap between the two roles, so beware of that. A dedicated technical SharePoint business analyst combined consulting skills, business analysis skills and SharePoint administration skills so that they can interpret business requirements and offer a solutiion using the standard sharepoint services and features. This role is now increasingly understood and is being advertised more. This role should have a fundamental understanding of SharePoint services, be extremely customer facing, a good presenter and may have a technical background. The role needs to adjudge the best services to use in SharePoint and can advise the business sponsor accordingly. Whilst not all sharepoint BAs have good technical skills, the best ones certainly do and it would be these we would go for. General BAs have a place but cannot interpret a business requirement technically for SharePoint and will need to reply on the architects to interpret for them. 

SharePoint Programme/Project Manager

There are lots of Prince 2 certified people and lots of people who have seen a SharePoint team site. This does not create  a SharePoint PM. The role needs a fundamental technical understanding of SharePoint and how to quantify and cost solutions and timescales as well as adjudge resource levels etc. Only a PM with a good grasp of SharePoint can hope to deliver successfully as there are too many pitfalls otherwise. Therefore SharePoint PMs do exist and are advertised in the market. A SharePoint programme manager who should err on the side of deep understanding of SharePoint approach and strategy - there are hardly any good sharepoint programme managers in the market purely because SharePoint has been sold at a project level by partners for far too long. The vast majority of excellent SharePoint programme and project managers are ex-partner staff so check credentials carefully.

SharePoint DBA (SQL)

Rare and often unnecessary as a specific role in many implementations but someone somewhere needs to know how to manage the SharePoint SQL databases and as such there will need to be a SQL DBA skillset. The SharePoint farm administrator can manage the content databases through their standard tools but there may be a greater degree of SQL skills required for some architectures. 

Active Directory Administrator

SharePoint is driven by Active Directory and any SharePoint deployment requires AD administration skills as part of the ongoing support and configuration, particularly user profiles. Therefore where a company does not have good AD skills in place, they will need them. Few companies have no AD skills unless they are using an outsourced IT model.

SharePoint Workflow Specialist

Where SharePoint Designer (product) isn't enough and a company selects K2, Biztalk or some other 3rd party workflow product then these skills will be requested. 

SharePoint BI Analyst/Architect/Administrator

With the advent of PerformancePoint services in SharePoint 2010 there is a big uptake on BI services in SharePoint. This is specialist work and requires specialist SharePoint BI skills include cube analysis etc etc. Highly specialist, in demand and asking a premium. 

SharePoint Integrator

Again you will rarely see this title but there are a wide range of custom environments where SharePoint is integrated with other platforms such as Documentum, SAP, Peoplesoft etc. Therefore it will depend on what integration is required. Commonly this skillset will be requested in large implementations for global corporations on a project basis and therefore we'd expect this skill request to come through for a contract only. One may ask for someone who has deep understanding of integrating SAP and SharePoint in which case they would need to know iView or Duet and in this case its more about finding someone. If it also requires custom API development skills then you will be looking for a very specialist developer and as such again its more about supply and demand. These skills generally only currently exist within solution providers or SIs.

SharePoint Mobile Specialist

Deep knowledge of Groove (2007) and SharePoint workspaces (2010) including the management and relay servers. Very few people outside specialist partners have these skills and the best recommendation to any client is to seek out a specialist provider and not a contractor. It is highly unlikely there is anyone yet who can take this on as a dedicated FTE role though the requirement will be there in future. For making SharePoint accessible via a smartphone etc one should be talking to a SharePoint Solution Architect.

SharePoint Trainer/Instructor

For end clients then refer to the user adoption specialist first or the SharePoint Strategist. For training partners, MCTs (Microsoft certified Trainers) are typically required. For grey courses it will be open to negotiation. End user training is often managed via the business analyst and administrator using a variety of techniques including floorwalking.

SharePoint User Adoption Specialist

Only existing within a very few SharePoint partners such as Salem at present but the role deals with the strategy of how to get users to use the solutions in SharePoint. This should be dealt with at the beginning of the SharePoint cycle and throughout, but may be requested for clients who have failing SharePoint projects.

Important note: All our articles are copyrighted and cannot be used without our express permission, so please ask first.

Monday, 11 April 2011

PA Power ! An Effective Route to SharePoint Adoption

It is interesting how often the poor secretary is overlooked. These days some politically correct establishments have decided not to use the term secretary and in others, secretaries are viewed as role from the past and managers are more able to cope alone. Yet in most businesses we will still find plenty of receptionists and personal assistants.

The administrators (as we will call them) in most organisations have an excellent view of the business as a whole, have a superb personal contact network within the organisation, know how their managers feel and what they think, know what works and what does not, are typically IT literate, if not super users, and can influence senior management thinking at the flick of a mouse. Therefore we wonder why they are not used more often to gain SharePoint adoption within a business?

In our experience the personal assistants are the defenders of the their management teams, solid walls of granite which cannot be bypassed, resolutely loyal to the business cause and also extremely interested in anything at all that makes the working lives of their manager and themselves far more easy.

Demonstrating the merits of SharePoint meeting sites for meeting minutes and meeting agendas, attachments that are usually laboriously distributed via email or printed out etc quickly proves the value of SharePoint to an entrenched and busy audience. Save time for a PA and they will love you for ever.

We firmly recommend the strategy of creating a PA or administrator focus group, demonstrate a wide range of easy to use functionality, get their buy-in, show how SharePoint can save valuable time and enhance the lives of their managers and themselves and you are on to a sure fire win. You can be sure that they will then become your business champions, send positive messages through the grapevine and inspire confidence in the leaders above them. That way you cannot have a better audience to begin with.

Perhaps it is your turn to bring them a cup of coffee for once !

Twenty Reasons Why IT-Driven SharePoint Projects Can Fail

If one thing appears generally true from the evidence to date, IT- led SharePoint projects tend to 'fail', or only have very limited impact. Conversely, business-led SharePoint projects frequently succeed in every respect. There are a wide variety of reasons why this occurs so this article is simply to highlight the top reasons we have observed from being out in the field. Before we commence listing reasons it is worth mentioning what we mean by 'fail'. The failure of a SharePoint project can be determined as failing to meet business objectives, failing to be adopted by the business users, failure to meet original strategic objectives, failure to make the intended impact, failure to adopt best practices to achieve technical objectives, failure to replace other systems, failure to change working practices and embedded behaviour, failure to meet time and budget constraints etc. We should also note that failure can always be turned into success if the right consulting takes place and the best practices followed.

Therefore, before setting out on any SharePoint project (preferably programme underpinned by strategy), one should have a clear sense of what the business success criteria are, what follow-on activities will occur, how success criteria will be monitored and analysed and how to act upon lessons learned in future. But more than anything else, like most software, SharePoint should only exist to facilitate business-driven services, solve business issues, and demonstrate actual business value. A CIO may argue that no, SharePoint is being used for reasons the 'business would not understand', such as the unification of platforms - maybe so, but that doesn't mean that replacing multiple systems with SharePoint is any less business-focused because it is the end user who will be the judge of it's success.

These are the top twenty issues we have noted, in no particular order:

1. The IT department doesn't understand the technical SharePoint platform requirements at the outset and relies on very limited skills to commence it's install, supplemented by some 'technical' blog posts for problem-solving. They treat it like all other 'standard' platforms without having any understanding of the technical skills required, and governance and mechanisms to release and support it.

2. The IT Department explores SharePoint in a 'demo' or test environment, uses a poorly configured platform for a small business proposition (often quickly and under duress) and finds they re now supporting a 'live' platform that won't scale out. Once 'live', the business doesn't give up a service easily.

3. The IT Department has no good business reason to introduce SharePoint and has no strategy for business adoption but is simply driven by the fact that either 'it should be used' or 'competitors and friends are using it'. This often occurs in political situations where competing technologies are sponspored by competing directors who have differing agendas. All this does is stifle the platform growth and leaves the end user dazed and confused. 

4. The IT Department doesn't know how to budget for SharePoint and has very limited funds so attempts to cut corners in terms of technology, design and configuration. Too often there is a very limited budget for 'a couple of servers', perhaps virtualised, with no understanding of farm architecture, the very specific skills required to configure the farm and no budget to bring in a professional partner. Getting a couple of 'developers' in on the cheap or a one man army who can do it all is usually a recipie for disaster in the long term. This is often exacerbated by bringing in a project manager who has no idea what is involved with building a SharePoint service platform.

5. The IT Department selects the wrong supplier or partner. Like all things in life, you get what you pay for. Whilst cost is an issue for everyone these days, cheap doesn't always mean good. There is a reason why one party charges £1200 a day and another charges £200 a day but then again a Tier 1 generalist management consulting firm charging £1500 a day may be a far worse choice than an expert specialist supplier charging £800 a day. In other words, there are specialists who charge the going rate and there are generalists who charge what they can get away with. Worse still are those who cut corners by relying purely on contractors and avoid partner expertise completely. Choose the right partner and you will receive expert advice that saves a heck of a lot of time and money in the long run. Choose the wrong partner and you may be rebuilding your environment from scratch sooner than you think.

6. The IT Department proceeds with no business input and no synergy with business strategy. This really is a big problem because SharePoint requires explicit business sponsorship and input. Without it, SharePoint can easily be seen as an exploration of technology without any business raison d'etre. Would you build a house for someone without asking what they want first? The chances of releasing an effective service to a business community that meets their expectations without first understanding or at least setting their expectations, is remote to say the least.

7. The IT Department has no interest in SharePoint and, typically the IT leadership team, views SharePoint as something the business wants but something that is of no interest, or not to be used by IT as a department themselves. This is all too common and one only has to look at IT departmental use of SharePoint services to see that SharePoint is often viewed as something that happens to business users only whilst missing the point that IT is indeed a business department too. Without fundamental IT leadership understanding of the possibilities of SharePoint, it is extremely difficult to influence respective business leaders who will themselves need to inspire their teams.

8. The IT Department is unprepared for fast business adoption and uses 'change control' as a method to stifle its growth due to lack of IT strategy, budget and resources. In other words SharePoint is a big business success and has led to a greater range of business services request than was expected. The IT Department is caught on the hop, doesn't know how to respond and instead uses a wide range of means to slow down further business interaction or service release. In turn the business user community becomes increasingly frustrated and turn their attentions to other things, services or simply complains bitterly. Setting up every single out of the box service as a 'project' is a classic case in point.

9. The IT Department has other technical challenges such as bandwidth, poor infrastructure, over capacity, a backlog of other projects such as an aging desktop and a general lack of strategy. What often happens is that the end user only sees SharePoint as a point of reference regarding performance (browser) and incorrectly percieves it as 'slow' or unreliable. Poor infrastructure can quickly undermine a strong browser-based service. How many times have you met a network engineer who swears blind there is nothing causing slowness on the network! When this happens the increasing use of SharePoint highlights the weaknesses in other areas of IT, but the end user doesn't understand that and perceives SharePoint as a failure. This is a perfect scenario where the IT department should begin to investigate Microsoft cloud services such as Office365 as this takes away the management responsibilities of the SharePoint infrastructure overhead and allows IT to focus instead on other areas that need enhancing quickly.

10. The IT Department is not committed to SharePoint as a core system and uses it in an ad hoc fashion for random small solutions. There are times when this strategy can work effectively but this strategy underlies a deeper problem which is that the major/core IT systems are not clearly defined and aligned. In other words a clearly defined SharePoint strategy and roadmap (the future) would demonstrate that SharePoint offers a huge amount of services that could replace legacy systems (maybe now, maybe when other licenses expire), integrate systems and act as the unifier of technology to the end user. Put simply, there are far too many IT bosses who are afraid of change and prefer to maintain the status quo rather than advancing technology services to the business - 'anything small, new and inconspicuous, stick it on SharePoint boys'. 

11. The IT department does not spend enought time at the beginning understanding the business benefits and services of SharePoint and then using a SharePoint awareness programme to advertise the benefits to the wider business community early enough. This really is a bugbear as it is so easily avoided. tell the business suers what is coming, excite them in the possibilities of the technology, show them the art of the possible and inspoire them to take part and adopt. Do this at the beginning and you already have an excited audience. Do this after the event and you have already lost them.

12. The IT Department offers conflicting technologies which can offer the business user the same services. Why I should I save this in SharePoint when I can save it in Outlook, in My Dopcuments, in Lotus Notes (say), on my memory stick and in the Oracle portal? This is where business and IT governance comes into play. If you don't establish the rules from the outset all you will do is provoke prolongued confusion and the workers will make up their own mind. Each technology has its purpose and its business justification, so from the beginning, IT must be absolutely clear on what technology is being used for what purpose and make this clear to the business too. The less a user needs to move between technologies the happier they are, which is why SharePoint is such a great unifier and why social networks such as Facebook have been so successful.

13. The IT Department doesn't budget for training and business user adoption and releases a SharePoint service hoping people will just 'pick it up'. All too frequent this one and something here at Salem that we strongly advise against. Whilst it is possible to make technology 'easy to use' there are as many different users as they day is long. What may seem easy and intuitive to some, may well be difficult and incomprehensible to others. People sell their time to work and get money, so introducing new technology and making people's work harder (at least for a while) is not a route to success unless they are assisted through the change.

14. The IT Department does not focus on govenance and policy which fundamentally underpins training and adoption and business users are left to decide themselves whether to use the new services or not in a confused and piece-meal fashion. It isn't just abpout training, it is about demonstrating the logic clearly behind why things are changing, and changing for the better. People need to understanding when to do something, where to do it and why they are doing it, and to a degree, what happens if they do not.

15. The IT Department hasn't aligned its IT strategy to meeting the business strategy. If you don't understand the business and know where the business is going how can you support it through new software services ? Once again, SharePoint has a wiude range of superb business service offerings but there is no point releasing something for the sake of it, it has to be aligned with business priorities. All too often we see a Finance department asked to adopt a SharePoint service during year end or whilst they are moving to SAP. We note an HR department who is trying to cope with a new HR system but is asked to spend time moving to SharePoint collaborative services. Understand what the business priorities are, then cater for them in an orderly manner and use SharePoint to underpin and enhance.

16. The IT Department takes a project rather than programmatic approach. In itself this does not make SharePoint fail, but what it does do is make only limited use of an extensive platform that could easily offer the business user so much more. SharePoint should be viewed as a sequence of inter-related and enhanced business service releases (a programme) over time, in line with practical timescales for effective user adoption. It is easy to prove the point, search a job board for a SharePoint project manager and you will find vacancies, look for a SharePoint programme manager role and you will struggle. Why? Well two reasons, first it is easier to view each business requirement as a separate project that fits an IT budget and resource pool that can be controlled in a measured fashion, and second programme managers cost more than project managers. However, we think one of the real reasons is simply because most clients do not have a roadmap view of SharePoint, cannot easily see a business service sequence of inter-related projects and simply do not have a SharePoint strategy. 

17. The IT Department underestimates the time and effort to design, build, configure and release SharePoint services. SharePoint must be designed and built correctly, particularly to cope with potential scaling and growth over the long term. This is all too common and leads to platform instability through poor configuration. The only way to handle this from the beginning is to bring in the required expertise at the start, analyse the potential growth and service requirements and design and configure accordingly. It is extremely likely that SharePoint will be asked to provide a wide range of services, not just the service for which it was originally commissioned. 

18. The IT Department takes a purely 'development platform' view of SharePoint. SharePoint is extremely dynamic and agile and slowing down a release cycle because everything has been coded from new and developed bespoke may slow down business adoption to the extent that it simply fails to make the desired impact within frustrated business-driven timescales. Out of the box SharePoint services, and particuarly those exempt from standard IT change control procedures, liberate the end user from laborious project-driven deliverables and ensure that IT is seen as a facilitator and agile service provider. Developing everything means that cost and time impact, if not stall, the growth of SharePoint within the business.

19. The IT Department believes 'organic growth' will gently provoke user buy-in without much risk and much expenditure. What happens when the business users do buy-in to it and the platform hasn't been readied as fit-for-purpose? What happens when there is no IT or business governance in place to cope with its growth. What happens if the business insists other services should be added but the platform cannot scale out due to initial failings in the initial design and configuration? The answer is that the business users will be dejected and frustrated why SharePoint does not cater to their ambitions, when indeed it would, if such requirements had been captured in simple analysis at the start.

20. The IT Department doesn't like SharePoint. Yes I know this is difficult but we have witnessed environments where IT managers do not favour SharePoint and have their own favourites such as open source, or some other product vendor. Personal choice should never flavour an IT strategy and yet it occurs more frequently than we would like. There are many IT managers who have selected major software for an organisation for purely selfish reasons and then gone on to undermine excellent products like SharePoint because it doesn't fit their personal philosophy.  

Let us finish by saying that we have worked with numerous excellent IT departments who have avoided these pitfalls due to good advice and planning. The reasons listed above do not negate well thought-out IT strategic SharePoint delivery programmes. However, any IT department must begin by endeavouring to understand SharePoint both from a technological and a business adopter perspective. To effectively manage SharePoint, old principles and processes within an IT department may need to change or go completely. SharePoint is a true IT enabler, and for those departments that have a current PR issue with the business, SharePoint offers a fantastic route to true agile business service delivery. We are sure that you could come up with other reasons but as we said earlier in the article, any of these scenarios can be rectified with a simple approach. If you recognise any of these and would like a solution, give us a call at Salem.

A Critical Time for SharePoint User Adoption

More than ever before it is critical for the SharePoint partner community to focus on SharePoint user adoption techniques and ensure that adoption is not just for a singular solution, but for a wider programme of SharePoint-driven services. Millions of licenses have been sold worldwide through the partner network but little has been monitored about how well SharePoint is entrenching into a wide range of organisations for the long term. If SharePoint is going to bed-in to any organisation and be seen as a critical core of any IT strategy, the business users have to want to use it, understand why they are using it and like using it.

We have witnessed a number of SharePoint projects that have started well only to stall and stumble a year on, typically due to the fact that the client believes they can progress themselves without any outside help or adoption strategy, reliant on a single contractor and most usually because the client has not been helped with a business strategy and associated techniques that allow the client to leverage the most out of SharePoint, most easily. Clients need business aligned roadmaps to sweat the assest of SharePoint.

A client is often left to believe after the first SharePoint project, that any new SharePoint service or solution is yet another project that will take another three or six months to deliver. This is because generally the partner community does not set out a plan for the clients and distinguish between which type of solutions should be run as a project and which solutions can be delivered almost directly out of the box without being termed a project.

However whatever the project and roadmap situation, we are at a loss to understand why so many partners are happy to deliver so many SharePoint solutions and yet walk away at the moment when the client asks what strategies are required to encourage the users to engage with the solutions. Many partners explain that this is not something they deal with (they point to a training company instead), though they are happy to perform a small amount of client training for handover activities. That may be true but user adoption isn't just about training.

User adoption is about understanding the psychology of the client, the client culture, the end user audience, the business challenges, the requirement for change, the requirement for new technologies, the ability to change, the ability to adopt, the diverse and distributed nature of a geographically or divisionally-dispersed client, the variety of user-types within a singular client audience, the variety opf user-types across multiple business audiences, the timescales for adoption, the challenges on business time, the cost of adoption and so on. If this is not first understood and an adoption strategy performed, the training as a result will potentially be ineffectual.

By the same token, partners often offer clients train-the-trainer activities, the provisioning of a technical support manual, and maybe a quick start guide and someone within the client organisation, typically an internal project manager is left to pick up the pieces and roll the solution out to end users. If the job is done right, end business users will know clearly what is coming next, why it is coming, when it is coming and the clear benefits it will being as well as the impact on their working day. This is all part of the initial adoption strategy. Users like to know how they will be trained, what the impact will be and how easy the new SharePoint solution is to use. 

Yet what we see too frequently is a client user base that views the next solution as yet another piece of software being thrown out there by an uninvolved IT team who has little understanding of how a business operates and how business divisions do their job. The divide between what a business user wants and what an IT team think they want is often a vast gulf. Solutions that are not designed with the end business user in mind will often fail, unless it is simply filling a temporary gap. The foundation of any SharePoint adoption strategy is in fulfilling the basic business user requirements. Simple, but all too often ignored.

Similarly clients are often guilty of not budgeting for user adoption activities and training in advance, and where they do so the budget is limited, if non-existent. Clients all too often make statements such as, 'we want the solution developed so it is as easy-to-use and intuitive as possible'. What they really mean is that they hope the solution can be designed so that the business users do not need training because they fear an impact on business time will affect business adoption and there will be a negative backlash. They also fear the fact that they 'forgot' to budget for adoption and training. In reality many IT departments see little merit in holding back a large amount of valuable budget for end-user business training and occasionally we see clients ask business units for wooden-dollar budget contributions for staff training.

Software can be designed to be easy to use as possible but not all users are the same and there is ALWAYS a requirement for training. It is not always how to perform a task that matters, but why use the new solution in the first place. What was wrong with the old way, a user asks! This is why all forms of training and user adoption are underpinned by governance and policy. Give a business user 15 ways to share a file and they will ask which way should they share. Unless the policy has been defined prior to training, the end user will be non the wiser. Therefore all types of SharePoint training have to be underpinned by clear business logic relating to business tasks. Fail on this and adoption will fail too.

Here at Salem we have established a training and user adoption service that underpins the Salem Process methodology. We would never encourage any client to set in motion a SharePoint programme or project without also considering (and budgeting for) an adoption programme. From this comes a clear training strategy and plan which can then be initiated well in advance of any delivery. It is this process that distinguishes our approach from so many others.

Take the right stance with SharePoint adoption and training from the outset and the delivery of business services becomes so much more focused and useful, and business buy-in far more comfortable. Once buy-in occurs the next task is to ensure the roadmap is followed and that SharePoint becomes the core of business service delivery in the long term. For once, the business customer may just be right.

SharePoint Partner Differentiators

We have been reading and watching a fair amount recently in the market regarding partner differentiators in the world of SharePoint, and it is interesting to read what partners think are differentiators. Usually they aren't. We often see partner companies stressing how many technical staff they have, or how big they are, or how many solutions they have created but they aren't differentiators because every single partner has a similar story to tell. Every SharePoint partner has some good clients, some successful solutions, some creative thinking and some technical staff. From our observations, the vast majority of partners within their tier groups, are very similar.

Any new thinking in terms of a new approach to SharePoint whether it be an 'accelerator', a new technical delivery model or a new adoption strategy is very valuable and is very welcome. Similarly, anything specific for enhancing adoption within particular business verticals is powerful. However often we see accelerators as simply packaged services that are not offering anything particularly new. 

Let us consider first of all size of the team. The resource pool globally is still limited for excellent SharePoint skills and therefore there are only a limited number of people available to be recruited (or headhunted) at any one time. People will move primarily because the new partner has more to offer in terms of career progression and client base. Sometimes it is a lifestyle chopice or for better financial rewards of course. Typically, partners appear to have SharePoint teams from 5 to 40 people, though there are a few with larger teams (usually developers). It is often not how many technical staff one has, but how they are used across multiple clients that matters.

With regards to certification of staff, it should be expected that all technical partner staff have SharePoint exams under their belts and this in turn is refllected in their partnership status. But does a larger certified team mean a big differentiator - in practice, its questionable to an extent. We know a range of great boutique partners who have fantastic results with a small team of highly skilled staff. Quantity does not always indicate quality.

So what are the key differentiators for a SharePoint partner in our view ?

1. First is the general longevity not just in terms of existing as a company but in terms of evidence of a wide range of published case studies, preferably by Microsoft.

2. A substantial amount of client evidence in terms of partner-driven client case studies published to market (typically found on the internet)

3. Key technical staff blogging consistently with high quality materials and disseminating thought-leadership to the technical and consulting communities

4. Book publication - there is no better way than a partner contribuiting to the increasingly high quality library of published SharePoint literature that is then available to all

5. Presence - the SharePoint partners who are found at as many key industry events as possible indicates true engagement with the market and the sharePoint community. Here we are looking for consistent engagement at events, not just occasional presence. At each event it would also be nice to see some new thought leadership, products and offerings.

6. Guest speakers from partners at industry events on a regular basis demonstrates that a partner is offering insight and SharePoint intelligence.

7. A good partner website that offers a wide range of useful and free materials and explains the partner key offerings without the fluffy sales speak 

8. A consulting approach to SharePoint that has business focus rather than the absolutely typical approach of offering only technical thinking.

9. Great partners say no. They say that is the wrong approach and they explain why. They ensure the right approach is taken. Too many partners say yes in any tender without offering thought leadership to the client as they are frightened of saying anything that jeapordises winning the bid.

10. A partner who also includes training and user adoption as part of their standard lifecycle is truly rare and a key differentiator. The vast majority of partners appear to leave user adoption to the client themselves.

Salem Partners are different in that they take a lifecycle approach rather than a point-solution approach using The Salem Process. They hand hold the client with thought-leadership throughout the design, delivery, training and adoption stages. They will be forthright when they know something will not work, and advise the client accordingly. But none of this occurs until a SharePoint business services roadmap is delivered after thorough consultation and alignment with business strategy. Unless a partner is taking this approach - there is little to distinguish them from many others.