Imagine being able to explain the full SharePoint business landscape to business stakeholders within an hour. Business buy-in means a faster route to business user adoption.
To get the most out of SharePoint quickly you need a start point and an end point with a fundamental understanding of how to group services, which services sit next to related services and which services should be released in unison. This provides a logical information framework that leads to a strategic programme plan which in turn breaks out into business sponsored SharePoint projects. All this is achievable within hours when using The Salem Process.
Service Deliniation
Most organisations simply seek to become more collaborative, share valuable information, harness corporate IP and 'knowledge' and select SharePoint as a complimentary platform to facilitate. There is a temptation either to over-complicate thinking (e.g. taxonomy) or simply to simply release new services quickly, hoping that the use of SharePoint will simply grow. The truth is, this strategy doesn't work and user adoption remains low or ineffective. There are wide range of standard and inter-related SharePoint services that can be delivered quickly and efficiently up-front to inspire the business audiences and move forward. However, release the wrong service too early in the cycle and an organisation can create problems for itself. The Salem Process maps which services should be released at which point, how they should be released and in conjunction with which other complimentary services to achieve the greatest business impact.