The Salem Consulting Group is a global Microsoft partner specialising in all aspects of SharePoint strategy and SharePoint consulting using its unique Salem Process as its foundation. The Salem Consulting Group provides the entire lifecycle of SharePoint services via its elite Salem Partner network to ensure that the Salem Process is available to corporations worldwide to harness the power of SharePoint and sweat their SharePoint assets fast. The Salem Consulting Group HQ is in London, UK.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Salem Attends Anaheim SharePoint Conference 2011
I'd like to proudly announce that Salem Consulting and our strategic recruitment company partner, Campania Consulting, will be attending the global SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California between 2nd and 6th October 2011. We will be looking forward to meeting as many fellow SharePoint professionals and partners as possible during this major event and if you wish to get in touch in advance to let us know you will be there please let us know at